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Taufique Shoogufan

Secretary General: Quest MUN 2013, Senior Adviser: Quest MUN 2015

In the dictionary, hard work comes before success. It gives us immense pleasure to have Taufique associate with Quest. After successfully leading Quest International MUN 2013 as the Secretary General, and Quest International MUN 2015 as the Senior Adviser, Taufique has to his name over 80 conferences.

Archit Dikshit

Secretary General: Quest MUN 2015

Having led the club for over 2 years, he has mastered his leadership skills by helping young MUNers of the school to win, and co-lead delegations where the club won best delegations. He assumes the responsibility knowing what is to be expected. With more than 25 conferences to his name, we are proud to have Archit associated with Quest.

Ishaan Bhattacharya

Deputy Secretary General: Quest MUN 2015

Versatility is the sign of a talented person. Apart from MUNing, Ishaan has been part of other fields such as music, theatre and poetry. However, his drive for MUNs has brought him various rewards as he has honed his debating skills and added more laurels to his list of achievements. Ishaan has been there for Quest since day one, and he continues his support as an adviser to the panel.

Chaitanya Dadhwal

Deputy Secretary General: Quest MUN 2015

When you can debate with the piercing knives of truth and be responsible enough to have the school trust you with the responsibility of being a prefect is not something that is ordinary, but Chaitanya is not ordinary. Having conferences like Harvard to his name, Chaitanya has a lot to achieve in future.


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